Contest Deadline Extended

Youth Art and Writing Contest

We have been asked to extend the Youth Art and Writing Contest deadline until Wednesday, April 22nd by a team of two teachers who are experiencing an unusual extenuating circumstance beyond their control.

In order to be fair to all involved, including the youth who are effected by this situation, we are extending the contest deadline to Wednesday, April 22 at 11:00 pm. We appreciate your understanding.

St. Louis youth are outstanding and truly amazing!!! We are looking forward to sharing all of the submissions with the contest judges on Thursday, April 23rd. The deadline will not be extended again for any reason.

All other dates, including contest notification May 9th and the Recognition and Awards Ceremony May 16th at 11:00 am at Kranzberg Arts Center remain unchanged. We hope everyone will come and join the celebration!

We think all of you are winners!!! Thank you for participating!